
RakovGallery(拉科夫画廊)是一家俄罗斯连锁画廊。 是由Igor和Alexey兄弟于2011年创立的,第一家画廊在叶卡捷琳堡开业。 这是一个旨在系统发展的创新空间。现在RakovGallery的分支机构分布在莫斯科、圣彼得堡、叶卡捷琳堡和彼尔姆。画廊主要目的是为艺术家提供自我展现的平台,并将成为在线艺术服务领域的领导者。RakovGallery可以为每位客户提供贴心服务。我们的专家随时准备为您提供绘画和订购服务方面的建议。 RakovGallery期待为您提供服务,这也是您接触艺术世界的绝佳机会! 服务内容包括: 1.按客户要求绘肖像画和订制画(需提供照片和要求); 2.网站上保存了已经售罄作品,如果您喜欢,我们会安排画家为您再次创作同样风格的原创作品; 3.为了防止损坏和节省邮费,建议画框就地取材,我们也可以安排中国合作伙伴制作画廊,寄给您; 4.快递可直达您在中国的各个城市; 5.收到作品(肖像画会在寄出之前,我们会通过视频跟您效果是否满意,所以肖像画除外)后,如果不满意,请在7天之内告知我们,并完好退回,我们将退款给您。 RakovGallery期待为您提供服务,这也是您接触艺术世界的绝佳机会!

  • Igor Rakov
    Co-founder and mastermind of RakovGallery.
  • Alexey Rakov
    Co-founder of the gallery, art dealer with the experience of work on the art market for over ten years. Specialist in the collectible works of art, both contemporary and antique pieces. Organised over twenty exhibitions of contemporary art. The head of the gallery in Ekaterinburg.
  • Vsevolod Danilokh
    Director at RakovGallery St. Petersburg. Content editor of RakovGallery online projects. Head of the international relations of the company.
  • Maria Gordusenko
    PhD in Art History, RakovGallery Art Director. In 2012 graduated from the University of Groningen - research master's in Art History and Archaeology. Maria had internships at the leading European and Northern American museums: the Bonnefanten Museum Maasticht, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, the Bode Museum (Berlin) and the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles. From 2014 to 2020 Maria pursued her PhD in Art History at the University of Edinburgh. She teaches at the Ural Federal University. Maria also curated a number of exhibitions of Russian artists at various museums and galleries in Ekaterinburg and collaborated with the Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art.
  • Vitaly Gritsenko
    Executive director of the gallery in Ekaterinburg. Has been working in the gallery business for fifteen years. Engaged in the development of the regional branches of the gallery. Organised over a hundred exhibitions in Russia. Having a background in Fine Arts, he is working on his own art project.
  • 专业精神
  • 贴心服务
  • 独到经验